A love letter to Itch.io; moving to Steam and Patreon!

Hey everyone!

Sorry for not keeping you updated in these last two months; lots of things have changed, and since everything started here, we thought it would only be fair to explain to you all why we decided to transfer to two other platforms instead of staying on itch.io.

We decided to continue developing the game as a full game without the help of any publishers.
It’s a decision that both my colleague and I made after months of thinking and talking about it together, and it's a scary one.

We have worked with publishers in the past, during our time with other companies, and, not going to lie, it would've been (financially) the most comfortable option.
But we decided that this game deserves to be published by itself;
it’s a little gem, and we want to treat it like one.

And we thought that in order to do that, the best platforms we can use are Steam and Patreon.

Also, the most important thing we kept in mind while making this decision was that we want to keep the communication with you, the player, absolutely transparent and unfiltered, for better or for worse.

We want to screw up and tell you that we're sorry.
We want to do more than maybe we should've done and be proud along with you all.
We want to see you happy playing our game but also insult us because a bug soft locked you.
We want to see you rage internally, and when we ask you "what's wrong?" and you answer "nothing", we want to keep wondering what made you mad. 

We don't want any filters between us and you players, because we're f@#*ing indies, and that's what we're gonna be.
We'll probably struggle for a while, but we feel like it'll be all worth it in the end.

So, here it is, a love letter to Itch.io which gave us the visibility and opportunity to continue developing our game.
Thank you so much to the GMTK that gave me and Daniel the chance to work together after 10 years of wanting to do that but never getting a chance before
The most important "Thank you" goes to all of you, who stayed by us during all these months.
The game might still have some long way to go, but with your support, we feel like we could climb mountains.

This is the Steam page link of the game. Go wishlist us to support us, or
If you want to keep supporting us or play the proof of concept demo, feel free to join our Patreon (For the devlogs, it's absolutely free)

We will keep the Devlog on Patreon, with most of it being absolutely free.

Thank you again,

It's not you, it's us.

The Atomic Hamster.

Get The Good Overlord

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